Terms of aibo SBT
Entertainment Robot "aibo" by Sony NFT利用条件
本NFTの保有者(本NFTを購入または受領後、未出庫の方を含 み、以下「保有者」といいます。)は、本NFTの販売、譲渡等を受けて本NFTを保有すること(本NFTの購入または受領を含みます。)により、本利用条件の内容に同意し、SONY BLOCK SOLUTIONS LABS PTE. LTD.(以下「ソニー」といいます。)との間において本利用条件を内容とする契約の当事者になるものとみなします。
1. 保有者の権利
(1) 保有者には、本NFTおよび本NFTに紐づけられたデジタルコンテンツ(以下「本デジタルコンテンツ」といいます。)を本利用条件に従い利用する権利が認められますが、本デジタルコンテンツの著作権、商標権その他一切の知的財産権は譲渡されず、これらは当該権利を保有する者(以下「権利者」といいます。)が引き続き保有します。
(2) 保有者は、本NFTを凍結または滅失等した場合には、直ちに前項に定める権利を喪失し、当該権利の行使を直ちに中止するものとします。
2. 許可される利用
②保有者本人の個人用SNS(営利目的で利用されるものを除きます。)における投稿またはアイコンとし ての使用
3. 禁止行為
⑩前各号のほか 、ソニーまたは権利者から明示的な許可を得ていない行為
4. その他
(1) 本NFTに関し、保有者または第三者が損害を被ったとしても、法令の定めがある場合を除き、権利者およびソニーグループは何らの責任も負いません。
(2) 保有者または第三者が本NFT、本デジタルコンテンツまたは秘密鍵を削除、凍結または滅失等した場合、権利者およびソニーグループはその復旧の責任を負いません。
(3) ソニーは、保有者に対して、明示、黙示を問わず、次の事項につき一切の表明および保証を行いません。
(4) 本利用条件は、ソニーから保有者への本NFTの販売、譲渡等にかかる契約の内容の一部を構成します。
(5) ソニーは、本NFTの保有者が前記3.に定めるいずれかの禁止行為を行った場合、保有者との間で成立した本利用条件を内容とする契約を直ちに解除することができ、保有者は、本利用条件に基づく本NFTに関する一切の権利を喪失し、当該権利の利用を直ちに中止するものとします。
(6) ソニーは、本利用条件に関する契約上の地位、権利および義務を自己の裁量でいつでもソニーグループ個社に譲渡することができ、保有者はこれに予め異議なく同意したものとします。
(7) ソニーは、本デジタルコンテンツと同一のデジタルコンテンツと紐づくNFTを保有者に配布することを条件に、本NFTまたは本デジタルコンテンツを削除することができるものとし、保有者は、予めこれに同意するものとします。なお、保有者は、当該NFTについても本利用条件の内容を遵守するものとします。
(8) ソニーは、保有者に対して表示する本利用条件の文言を修正することによって、保有者の同意を得ることなく、本利用条件の内容を変更することができるものとします。
(9) 本利用条件は日本法に準拠するものとし、本NFTに関連する紛争は東京地方裁判所を第一審の専属的合意管轄裁判所とします。
(10) 本利用条件の日本語版と、本利用条件をその他の言語に 翻訳したものとの間に相違がある場合は、日本語版の記載内容を優先するものとします。
TERMS FOR Entertainment Robot "aibo" by Sony NFT
Upon obtaining this NFT, regardless of whether the NFT was purchased or transferred, the owner of the NFT (including the purchaser or recipient of the NFT who has not moved the NFT to its own wallet, and hereinafter collectively referred to as “you”) shall be deemed to have agreed to these Terms and shall be a party of the agreement containing these Terms with Sony Block Solutions Labs Pte. Ltd.. (“Sony”).
1. The Rights of the Owner
(1) You shall be entitled to use the NFT and digital content associated with the NFT (the “Digital Content”) in accordance with these Terms. However, the copyrights, trademark rights and any other intellectual property rights of the Digital Content shall not be transferred to you, and the rights holder of the Digital Content (the “Rights Holder”) shall retain such intellectual property rights.
(2) In the event of the freeze or loss of the NFT, you shall immediately forfeit the rights set forth in the preceding paragraph and immediately cease exercising such rights.
2. The Permitted Use
You may use the Digital Content, in whole or in part, only for any of the following purposes:
(i) to download and store the Digital Content on your own computers, smartphones or other storage devices;
(ii) to post the Digital Content on your own personal SNS accounts (excluding accounts used for commercial purposes) or display the Digital Content as a profile picture on such SNS accounts; and
(iii) to exhibit the Digital Content in virtual spaces such as virtual galleries (excluding exhibitions for commercial purposes).
3. The Prohibited Use
You may not use the NFT or the Digital Content, in whole or in part, for any of the following purposes:
(i) to license or provide the NFT or the Digital Content to third parties beyond your personal use;
(ii) to make commercial use of the NFT or the Digital Content (including but not limited to merchandising the Digital Content);
(iii) to resale or transfer the NFT or the Digital Content, regardless of whether with or without compensation;
(iv) to modify, alter, duplicate or redistribute the NFT or the Digital Content, unless otherwise set forth in Article 2.;
(v) to acquire any intellectual property rights in or to the NFT or the Digital Content;
(vi) to utilize the NFT or the Digital Content in a manner that defames or infringes the rights of the Rights Holder, Sony Group Corporation, and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Sony Group”) or any third parties;
(vii) to utilize the NFT or the Digital Content in a manner that harms or may harm their social or educational reputation;
(viii) to utilize the NFT or the Digital Content in a manner that harms or may harm the reputation, fame, confidence in society, dignity, credibility or image of the NFT, the Digital Content, or the Rights Holder;
(ix) to utilize the NFT as a means of payment such as a “crypto asset” and a “prepaid payment instrument”, or as “securities” or anything subject to financial regulations; or
(x) to perform any actions which are not expressly permitted by Sony or the Rights Holder.
4. Other Matters
(1) In no event shall the Rights Holder or Sony Group be liable for any damages incurred by you or any third parties in relation to the NFT except as otherwise provided by law.
(2) In the event that you or any third parties delete, freeze or lose the NFT, the Digital Content or the private key, the Rights Holder and Sony Group shall not be liable for the restoration thereof.
(3) Sony makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, for you as to the following items:
(i) the intellectual property rights related to the Digital Content belong to Sony or the parties indicated as the rights holders at the marketplace in which the NFT is sold or distributed;
(ii) the use of the NFT shall not constitute or cause any infringement of the intellectual property rights of any third parties;
(iii) Sony shall retain the legitimate and valid rights to grant you the rights set forth in Article 1.;
(iv) the completeness, eligibility, accuracy, permanence, usefulness and legality of the NFT;
(v) the NFT has a certain exchange value;
(vi) the law, cabinet order, legislation, regulation, instruction, circular, decree, guideline and other rules applicable to the NFT (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Laws”) or the tax system, including, but not limited to, the consumption tax on the NFT (hereinafter referred to as the “Tax System”) shall not be newly established or amended in the future;
(vii) in the event that the effect of the future establishment or amendment of the Laws or the Tax System is retrospective, you shall not suffer any damages; and
(viii) the purchase, receipt, possession and use of the NFT shall not be subject to taxes in or outside Japan.
(4) These Terms shall constitute part of the agreement between you and Sony in relation to the purchase or transfer of the NFT.
(5) If you engage in any of the prohibited acts set forth in Article 3., Sony may immediately terminate the agreement containing these Terms with you, and you shall immediately forfeit the rights under these Terms and immediately cease exercising such rights.
(6) You agree that Sony may, in its sole discretion, assign or transfer the rights and obligations under the agreement containing these Terms, in whole or in part, to one of Sony Group.
(7) You agree that Sony may delete the NFT or the Digital Content on the condition that Sony distributes another NFT associated with the same digital content to you. If you receive such an NFT, you shall comply with these Terms for such an NFT.
(8) You agree that Sony may update these Terms at any time, in its sole discretion by posting an updated version of these Terms at the URL at which you are viewing these Terms.
(9) These Terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Japan. All controversies and disputes arising out of or in connection with the NFT shall be submitted to the Tokyo District Court in Tokyo, Japan as the court of exclusive jurisdiction in the first instance.
(10) If there are any discrepancies between the Japanese version and any translation of these Terms, the Japanese version shall prevail.
Effective Date: 3/10, 2025